Saturday, December 10, 2011

Google Makes My Day

I acknowledge that today is a lil' bit boring for me although it's holiday... Not so holiday actually, it's just one week free for you to finish your task for semester test... But there's no many useful things I did... Just laid down and watched tv. The progress of my task was also so pitiful...
When I laid again on my bed, I felt a scary feeling in my heart. In my unconscious mind, I know that it's totally wrong to let my body and mind useless today while I ought to finish that task today, because tomorrow I need to submit it to my friend. So, I arouse myself from my bed, sit in front of the laptop, opened Google, typed the keywords 'interesting things', ENTER

From some websites appeared in the front page, I found the last website that's not just interesting but also motivating for my condition now...I didn't expect it before although...

Here it is.....

Do Interesting Things

“Whatever you dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.” - Goethe
Post written by Leo Babauta.
We live in interesting times. We’re blessed that way.
The world is changing rapidly.
The way we work is changing, the way we live has already changed. Entire industries are crumbling, and more are growing on their ruins. People are empowered to express themselves, to create, to become a part of a global conversation and transformation, in a way that has never existed before.
What will you do with that?
What will your place be in this new, interesting world? Will you have a voice? Will you be a creator, or just a consumer?
Do something.
Do something interesting.
Be a part of the conversation, and say something remarkable. Create something unique, new, beautiful. Build upon the works of others and transform it into your own.
How to do this?

Write a book. Or an ebook. Write poetry and publish it on the web. Create interesting, lovely or funny videos, put them on You Tube. Be passionate. Write a web app that will solve a problem in people’s lives. Become a watchdog to replace the faltering newspapers. Explore the world, and blog about it. Try something you’ve always been afraid to try, and put it on video. Be yourself, loudly. Start a new company, doing only one thing, but doing it very well. Start a business that does a service you’ve always wanted, or that you are frustrated with in other companies because the service sucks. Put your heart into something. Say something that no one else dares to say. Do something others are afraid to do. Help someone no one else cares to help. Make the lives of others better. Make music that makes others want to weep, to laugh, to create. Inspire others by being inspiring. Teach young people to do amazing things. Write a play, get others to act in it, record it. Empower others to do things they’ve never been able to do before. Read, and read, and then write. Love, and love, and then help others to love. Do something good and ask others to pass it on. Be profound. Find focus in a world without it. Become minimalist in a world of dizzying complexity. Reach out to those who are frustrated, depressed, angry, confused, sad, hurt. Be the voice for those without one. Learn, do, then teach. Meet new people, become fast friends. Dare to be wrong. Take lots and lots of pictures. Explore new cultures. Be different. Paint a huge mural. Create a web comic. Be a dork, but do it boldly. Interview people. Observe people. Create new clothes. Take old stuff and make new stuff from it. Read weird stuff. Study the greats, and emulate them. Be interested in others. Surprise people. Start a blog, write at least a little each day. Cook great food, and share it. Be open-minded. Help someone else start a small business. Focus on less but do it better. Help others achieve their dreams. Put a smile on someone’s face, every day. Start an open-source project. Make a podcast. Start a movement. Be brave. Be honest. Be hilarious. Get really, really good at something. Practice a lot. A lot. Start now. Try.
Inspired by the doblog.

Friday, December 9, 2011

It's been soo loooonnngg time since my last post.....

This is another doodle of mine created just now...
I've been longing to do doodling again since I saw a doodle of  my friend.....
Sometimes I forget the fun of doodling because I was served a lot of amazing complicated art and design in my college life... So, unconsciously I push my self to be able to reach that 'ideal' art and design 'till I realized that I had lost the fun in creating them.
May be this doodle can remind me the fun in creating art again.... Although the meaning of this doodle doesn't represent it.... :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Drawing with 'deviantART muro'

It's my first drawing in I unintentionally found this app when I was browsing something in internet... Remembering that I had ever drawn with such similar app like this in my cousin's Nintendo DS *I forget the app's name, I straight tried  this app.. And finally I created this doodle... I forget what inspired me to draw this at that time... Just wanted to try creating something with this simple app :)

This doodle created on 8 June 2011....

Friday, July 15, 2011

My Character Cartoon

Hi, this is my first own character cartoon... =3
It was one of computer graphic 2 test last semester...(*I've passed semester 4, n now I'm going to semester 5^^)...

The test was about coloring with Photoshop, n we were told to make the character first with Illustrator using pen tool. First step I took was to draw the sketch on a drawing book, then I captured it with my phone camera and transferred it to my laptop.
Next step, I traced the lines one by one using pen tool, and this is the result...
Finally, homework was finished! I just had to copy one to my flashdisc and bring it to campus... :)

On test day, we just had to color it in Photoshop.... I adjusted the brush tool with low opacity (about 5-8% to get the soft gradation) and multiply mode, picked a color, then enjoyed the process of coloring^^

Here is the final result.....
Actually I wonder if this character seems like me or not (*someone said that it doesn't look like me T.T)..... But, it's OK... I've tried my best.. However, I'm still learning... Hope I can create better and better for the next.... :DD

Oo yaa, I have another color version.....
I colored it at my bedroom before the test day when I was bored at that time... This's just the part of my experiment...hehehe....

Well, there's no other things about this to told again.. See you in the next post!^^

Monday, May 16, 2011

My 1st Time...^^

Alohaaaaa.... \(^0^)/
Akhrinya punya kesempatan juga buat ngisi blog yang padahal udah dibikin dari tanggal 26 April lalu... Soalnya banyak kerjaan sih... Mulai dari ngerjain tugas kuliah, ngajar, sampai mengkoordinasi tim dekor untuk kegiatan Waisak+Ultah Dharmayana di kampus... But, that's all fun! :D

Ok... first, let me introduce myself...
Namaku Erin Aptria, lahir di Jambi n tinggal di sana sampai lulus SMA... Trus ngelanjutin kuliah di Untar Jakarta, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain, jurusan DKV sampai sekarang (semester 4)...

Sebenernya udah lama banget aku kepengen ngeblog, tapi ga kumulai-mulai juga, sampai saatnya seorang dosen DKV-ku yang masih terbilang muda, namanya Pak Santo Tjhin menyarankan mahasiswa/i nya untuk ngebikin blog... Katanya blog itu bagus buat sarana self-branding.. Jadi, sebagai anak DKV, kita bisa istilahnya mulai 'nongol' lah, jadi orang-orang tuh bisa aware dengan eksistensi kita...*ciee... hahaha... dengan cara memajang karya-karya desain (portofolio) yang pernah dibikin...

Jadi, blog 'erinspirition' ini mungkin bakal berisi portofolio desainku, sharing-sharing berbagai jenis hal yang aku suka, sampai sharing pribadiku (as a diary)...^^
Ngomong-ngomong, nyari nama buat blog itu susah n memakan waktu cukup lama juga ya? Apalagi buat first blog... Pastinya mau nyari nama yang sebagus n secocok mungkin kan dengan kita? Nah, ini terjadi pada dirikuu... Bisa sampai sekitar 4 jam lebih loh buat ngebikin 1 blog doang, termasuk nyari nama, ngisi profile, n adjust tampilan...ckckckck..... Normal ga sih ini? atau udah sewajarnya?ahahaha....

N setelah pencarian nama yang cukup panjang itu, terbentuklah nama 'erinspirition' yang merupakan gabungan dari 'erin', 'spirit', dan 'inspiration'... Coba deh disebutin berulang-ulang... *emang mantraa??!... Secara sekilas cara bacanya seperti 'an inspiration' bukan?hehehe... Well, artinya blognya si 'Erin' yang dibikin seadanya n sesuka hatinya ini mungkin bisa ngasih spirit n inspiration buat para readers... ^^
Nah, itulah yang ngebuat aku ngerasa 'klik' dengan nama ini... :DD

Oke deh, tanpa ba-bi-bu lagi, welcome to! It's officially opened for public! :DD
If you feel inspired, get the spirit to your heart, soul, and body, then, make your own beautiful painting of life... ^^